Property Tax Services

Property Tax Services

Our Tax Consulting and Tax Services

CVA provides property tax services in every real estate market throughout the United States. We are able to achieve this through 30+ years of experience and affiliation with the National Property Tax Group. As such, a coordinated approach is typically utilized to resolve assessment issues for our clients who conduct business in multiple states. Our capabilities allow us to work with clients who oversee single site or multi-state operations for property tax appeal services, property tax compliance services and ad valorem services.

Are You Over Assessed?

Property Analysis

Complimentary analysis of real and/or personal property taxes to explore tax savings.

Service and Advice

CVA determines the most effective tools for your situation and works with taxing officials step by step to pursue the most financially beneficial strategy.

Risk-Free Pricing

This service is based on a contingency fee, meaning if there is no tax savings earned, there is no fee.

Your Property Tax Savings Deliver Increased Profits…

Over the last three years alone, we have successfully appealed the property taxes for more than 200 clients. From those appeals, we were able to achieve real property tax reductions for our clients ranging from a few thousand dollars to more than a quarter of a million dollars.

Outsource Your Personal Property Tax Compliance…

The cost of the services provided by our Property Tax Compliance Group is approximately 50% less than the cost our clients would otherwise incur in performing the compliance, assessment review and tax bill payment function in-house.